This year, Shemini Atzeret falls on Shabbat, October 10, 2020 which is also the global launch of Countdown, a collaboration facilitated by the TED and Future Stewart organizations and described as “a global initiative to champion and accelerate solutions to the climate crises, turning ideas into action.”
In honor of this urgent worldwide launch, several leaders and communities are coming together for a Global Climate Shabbat/Yomtov service. Sharing the virtual bimah will be Rabbi Lizzi Heydemann and Rabbi Deena Cowans of Mishkan Chicago, Rabbi Capers Funnye of Beth Shalom B’nei Zaken Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation in Chicago, Rabbi Arielle Lekach-Rosenberg of Shir Tikvah in Minneapolis, Reb Ezra Weinberg of NYC, Rabbi Jennie Rosenn of Dayenu: A Jewish Call to Climate Action, Rabbi Jessica Kate Meyer of The Kitchen in San Francisco, and Rabbi Adina Lewittes of Sha’ar in NY/NJ, together with their colleagues and congregants. Join us for this unprecedented opportunity for communities across the country to join in prayer in celebration of and renewed commitment to our planet.