In collaboration with T’ruah and other inspiring Jewish organizations, we are hosting you for Tikkun Leil Election. Modeled on the Tikkun Leil Shavuot, where Jews stay up all night studying Torah on Erev Shavuot, this event will offer community, inspiration, and spiritual nourishment. We likely won’t have clear election results on the night of November 3, but we can gather to support each other as we begin to see the emerging picture.
From 7:00 to 10:00pm CST, there will be a space for short Torah study opportunities, musical performances, meditation moments, poetry readings, and more. Presenters will include artists, musicians, rabbis, cantors, and other performers who give us hope, strength, and moral clarity in difficult moments, including Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg of the National Council of Jewish Women, Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie of Lab/Shul, and poet Joy Ladin.
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