A sneak preview for reading Torah on Rosh HaShannah.
It’s kind of a strange practice to read the same story every year, again and again, on the High Holidays. Do we think there’s going to be something in there this year that wasn’t there last year?
Here’s the secret: it’s not the Torah that changes every year, it’s us. And if our hearts are open, then a message from Torah that we weren’t ready to hear last year, unfolds before us. We stand at the Torah to be given the strength of community and of the book itself to enter the new year. Where will you stand up this year?
[seriously, for each one of these aliyot we will invite you to either stand in your seat or come up to the Torah. If you choose to do the latter, come to the stage beforehand so you’re ready to go!]
Rosh HaShannah: Dreams Born, Dreams Deferred
An aliyah for those of you who had dreams come true this year. Look back on the year– did you find love, get engaged, married, have a baby, buy your first house or graduate from grad school. Enjoy a moment of celebration for a dream fulfilled.
An aliyah with stuff to work on, work out, work through. You’ll see how Sarah lets her insecurity and jealousy get in the way of her ability to enjoy her new blessings in life. What’s your plan to work through the thing fogging your clear sight and ability to feel truly connected and happy?
An aliyah for survivors this year. There is a quiet, powerful strength running invisibly through our community– the strength of having made it to the other side of something you never imagined facing. Say a blessing and be blessed and affirmed in community for having made it to this point.
Volunteers on LOVE TEAM– an aliyah for you! This Team is the heart and soul of Mishkan, welcoming, setting-up, taking-down, and often throwing away other people’s trash. A good 50 of you are on this power-team. Come up and get some love right back!
Parents & Kids!