Our tradition has a long and rich, but often neglected, tradition of spontaneous blessings: for that friend who is struggling with something specific; for the communal gathering of like-minded souls; even for the stranger you see in their apt across the street. The goal of this four-part class is to mine our tradition in order to help folks cultivate a greater sense of connection to and compassion for each other — as well as the inner sense that others are be blessing you too; that we exist in a constant web of blessings, known and unknown, voiced and unvoiced, even when we are physically far apart.
The class teacher, Cantor Rebecca Joy Fletcher, is a Chicago-based actor, theater-maker, Jewish educator and coach. The path of blessings is one she fell in love with years ago in Israel. For the past two years, she’s offered a brief class on the how-to of blessing at Mishkan over Rosh Hashanah. Now is a great time for the deep dive!
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Meeting ID: 144 723 618