This week, we will meet in the Mishkan Office for an intimate, learning-centered service. Rise & Shine will be held for children ages 0-4 at 10:00 am, Mah Tovu for children ages 5-8 at 11:00 am, and you can stay and schmooze for lunch. Our very own Tim Graves will speak briefly on ORT America’s robotics activities and teach kids about robotics during Mah Tovu! Kiddush will also be sponsored by ORT America. It’s Robot Shabbat!
“ORT is a global educational organization focused on providing STEAM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Arts and Math) and Jewish educational opportunities to underserved populations in 40 countries. This fun activity brings a bit of that learning to Mishkan! What better way to get kids interested in science and technology than fun, hands-on projects that move on their own! Join ORT Chicago team member Tim Graves for a hands on activity where children will be building their very own simple, homemade, spinning brushbots!”
Proof of full vaccination for those over the age of 5. Full vaccination means the full initial series plus booster shot for anyone who is eligible for the booster. There will be no ASL provided for this service.