Join us for a Topsy Turvy Purim carnival, celebrating the holiday where everything was turned upside down and back again. With surprises at every turn, we’re celebrating with carnival games and activities, costumes, and of course, hamentaschen! Experience the Purim story first-hand and “meet” the characters – Haman (boo!), Queen Esther, Uncle Mordechai, and more. Step right up to one of our 10 activity stations – maybe you’ll pin the crown on King Achashverosh, build the Shushan Castle, or make a stop at Vashti’s Self Care Spa. We’ll also fulfill the mitzvot of Purim by making cards for refugee families and mishloach manot (aka sending gifts). The first hour, from 10 – 11 am, is for ages 5 and under or those benefiting from a sensory-friendly experience; the second hour from 11am – noon is for ages 6 – 11. Tickets are $20/family and half off for Builders.
This event is at capacity.