Join Mishkan as we celebrate Selichot with a close examination of being dishonest. We will be screening a new documentary film called (Dis)Honesty—The Truth About Lies. (Dis)Honesty explores the groundbreaking research of Israeli behavioral scientist and NY Times bestselling author Dan Ariely on the human tendency to lie.
It’s human nature to lie—we all do it. This film looks at factors that increase our likelihood of lying and those that encourage us to behave more ethically. Ariely’s research shows that small, repeated reminders of ethical behavior can help us act better. How does this relate to Jewish rituals like observing Shabbat or Yom Kippur? How is Judaism designed to help us behave honestly?
Judaism has always placed a special emphasis on ethics. This film creates a safe space for us to discuss the ethical grey areas we face in modern times and how to navigate them.(Dis)Honesty offers an opportunity for us to reflect on the role of honesty within our lives, personal relationships and Jewish practice.
Check out the trailer. This event is free but you have to register!