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Family Sukkot Event

Rogers Park Moishe House

What is a sukkah? Why do we have them? What is a home? Join us as we gather to explore these questions and to decorate our own sukkah! Register

Gimme Shelter: The Moth, Interfaith Sukkot Style

Rogers Park Moishe House

The Jewish holiday of Sukkot (Feast of Booths in the Torah) starts on Sunday, Oct 16. It's an awesome holiday- you build a fort in thebackyard or on your porch and basically do as much outside in […]

40s+ Rooftop Sukkot Party

River North

This holiday is all about the full-body, total-sensory experience of being alive and awake in the world, having a sense of wonder and appreciation of all things person-made (symbolized by […]

Sukkot Happy Hour Celebration with JCC 20s & 30s

Florence G. Heller JCC Early Childhood in Lakeview 524 W Melrose St, Chicago, IL

Join JCC 20s & 30s for a community-wide happy hour in the sukkah. Tickets include drinks + apps (1 drink ticket included), a kosher cooking demo and cider making. Adults […]

S&M Bet Midrash: CRASH Talk

Mishkan Chicago HQ 4001 N Ravenswood Ave #101, Chicago, IL

The CRASH Talk is the indispensable introduction to Talmud learning with Mishkan and SVARA. It is a lecture to end all lectures, a mind-blowing intellectual experience to end all…you get […]

Holy Pandemonium! Simhat Torah

Florence G. Heller JCC Early Childhood in Lakeview 524 W Melrose St, Chicago, IL

Simchat Torah celebrates the joy and satisfaction of finishing something and......(we never finished that sentence). JOKE! The joy of finishing something and beginning something new. One door closes and another […]

Mensch Academy

Mensch Academy #403a 4001 N Ravenswood Ave #403a, Chicago, IL

Read more about Mensch Academy.

Last Fridays @ AES

Anshe Emet Synagogue 3751 N. Broadway, Chicago, IL

We're back with our first Shabbat service of 5777! Take a deep breath, unwind from the spiritual marathon and dig into some of that Shabbos goodness you know and love: […]