Yom Kippur Afternoon Classes
Session One
4:00 – 5:00 pm CT
The Creative Potential of Simple Rest
Led by AnnMerle Feldman, Annex
Many of us live our lives in perpetual motion. We are too busy, but we don’t know what to do about it. Yom Kippur presents a unique opportunity to shift this reality. Based on Rabbi Adina Allen’s recent book, The Place of All Possibility: Cultivating Creativity Through Ancient Jewish Wisdom, you will learn how to cultivate rest in your body through deep rest, profound breathwork, and myofascial self-massage. You can nap or participate in the rest opportunities I offer. There will be chairs as well as floor space. Bring a yoga mat, a blanket, socks, and an eye pillow for maximum comfort. There will be a place to store these materials during the service.
Greeting Your Beautiful, Unwieldy Idea (with Imagination Meditation)
Led by Danielle Klinenberg, Upstairs Lobby
You see an idea in your mind’s eye that feels meaningful and true. But perhaps you feel stuck or scared, not sure what step to take next. This is a workshop on allowing your beautiful idea to grow in your imagination, and perhaps to coax it to begin taking shape in the world. Our time will include resting the body and an imagination meditation.
How to Become a Mourning Person
Led by Judy Yacker & Jon Quinn, Back Lobby
The rabbis teach that Yom Kippur is a rehearsal for our own death, so that we might live more purposeful lives. Come learn with members of the Progressive Chevra Kadisha about Jewish rituals around death and what this has to do with today. Why do we wear white? What is the “secret society”, and can anyone get in? What are the traditions and what does the liturgy say? All this and more!
Prayer: A Ritual of Shared Attention
Led by David Gottlieb, Theater
Explore prayer as a way to focus our attention on shared space, communal hopes and values, and personal needs — without needing to believe or believe in anything in particular. We will study texts together, meditate, and pray, mirroring the ancient practice of preparing for and “coming down from” the prayer experience.
Session Two
5 – 6 pm CT
Divine Mercy and Human Repentance: Lessons from Jonah
Led by Lisa Goldstein, Classroom C
Join our weekly Torah Study Small Group to dive into Jonah, a text traditionally read on the afternoon of Yom Kippur, and wrestle with its themes. Who is this reluctant prophet? What is the nature of divine mercy? What is the efficacy of repentance? And where do we see ourselves in this ancient story, on a day that calls us to return to our essential selves?
Pick Our Next Economic Justice Campaign!
Led by Mishkan Local Action Team, Back Lobby
The Mishkan Local Action Team and our partners at the Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (JCUA) are selecting our next housing and economic justice campaign, which we will be supporting in the year to come. From rent-stablization to supporting the unhoused, organizers are working to make sure Chicago is a home for all who live here. Come learn about the proposals and cast your vote!
Energy and Kabbalah Morning Practice
Led by Devi Stern, Upstairs Lobby
Come learn a 4-minute morning practice which can be done in or out of bed, to carry with you into the year to come. It is an alignment of the subtle energy body with traditional prayer and is designed to help you start your day alert, protected, and connected. You can learn more about the practice and Devi’s book Energy Healing With The Kabbalah online at energyandkabbalah.com.
Session One + Two
4 – 6 pm CT
Sacred Listening
Led by Daniel Epstein, Classroom D
What is on your heart as we start this new year? In pairs, we will ask each other important questions as we start the new year AND, importantly, we will listen to the response of the other person. This particular Sacred Listening approach was developed by Mishkanite Daniel Epstein as part of his Portraits in Faith project. We will focus on questions that can help us assess where we are as we start this new year as well as develop empathy for where others are. This is a double session, so please attend only if you want to be part of this in-depth experience for the whole period.
5 – 6 pm CT
Reading the News Through Jewish Eyes (virtual)
Led by Joel Brown, Online
This virtual presentation will provide a brief history and current function of the Jewish-American media in this country. It will use the core value set of the Jewish American media to critique mainstream media and build your confidence in engaging media sources as we all navigate difficult times and a polarized media landscape. To access this virtual class, click here.