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Contact Chai with Rabbi Lizzi
A podcast from Mishkan Chicago exploring down-to-earth Judaism in conversation.
Contact Chai is a podcast from Mishkan Chicago that features sermons from our Rabbis, as well as inspiring and in-depth conversations with academics, community, and spiritual leaders from all faiths. To find an episode that speaks to you, take a look below at our collections.
Shabbat Replay
Pulled from our Friday night services, Shabbat Replay is an opportunity to experience a Mishkan sermon on your own time.
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Spiritual practice can be a grounding source of comfort and stability. These episodes touch on the intersection of faith, science, and mental wellness.
Racism, Whiteness, and Social Justice
These episodes are a heart-forward approach to anti-racist efforts, unlearning Whiteness and the Jewish value of tikkun olam — putting the world back together.
Contact Chai with Rabbi Lizzi
We want to connect you with down-to-earth Judaism through sermons and conversation. And we need your help.
Contact Chai is a new show from Mishkan Chicago that’s rapidly growing in listenership. As we plan for future episodes, we’re expanding our search for topics and guests and we’re curious: What would you like to hear on our show? Are there guests you think would be a good fit? Do you have an expertise you’d like to personally share with the community? The first step is leaving us a review on Apple Podcasts, and the next is reaching out. As always, we want to hear from you.