Mishkan Calendar

Builder’s home in Ukranian Village

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  2. Venues
  3. Builder’s home in Ukranian Village
Events at this venue

Small Groups: 20’s and 30’s Shabbat Potluck

Builder's home in Ukranian Village

Join Builders Yoni and Julia Labow for a Mishkan potluck group for Mishkanites in their 20s and 30s. Bring your favorite shabbat dish, dessert or drink and celebrate the sabbath with a potential new best friend. Bring your friends and come along for an awesome Shabbat dinner in the Ukrainian Village. Apartment is accessible by […]

Small Groups: 20s and 30s Shabbat Potluck

Builder's home in Ukranian Village

Join builders Yoni and Julia Labow for a new Mishkan potluck group for Mishkanites in their 20s and 30s. Bring your favorite shabbat dish, dessert or drink and celebrate the sabbath with a potential new best friend. Bring your friends and come along for an awesome shabbat dinner in the Ukrainian Village. Register