Mishkan Calendar

Federal Plaza

  1. Events
  2. Venues
  3. Federal Plaza
Events at this venue

March For Our Lives

Federal Plaza Federal Plaza, S DEARBORN St, Chicago, IL, Chicago, IL, United States

"A better world is possible." Join us in demanding action on gun violence in America. Before the rally, the Mishkan rabbis will lead a service at 10:45 am. We will meet at Dearborn and Adams by the trees. Bring your tallit, protest sign, and water! Register

Pre-Rally Shabbat Service

Federal Plaza Federal Plaza, S DEARBORN St, Chicago, IL, Chicago, IL, United States

Before the rally to address gun violence, the Mishkan rabbis will lead us in prayer and song. We will meet at Dearborn and Adams by the trees. Bring your prayer shawl, protest sign, and water!