Your High Holiday Experience

Thank you so much for choosing to spend your High Holidays with Mishkan Chicago! Whether you watched the live-stream, attended the in-person service, or dropped into one of our family programs, we would love to hear your feedback about your High Holiday experience. We want to know what worked (and what didn’t) this year. Please take 5 minutes to complete our High Holiday survey.


High Holidays were only possible with the help and hard work of so many community members and staff, who came together to make this vision come to life. Major thank yous to the many people who made these holidays happen, including but not limited to:

  • Our hardworking High Holiday staff:  Lauren Abrams, Rhonda Abrams, Ilana Abusch, Annelise, Patrick Budde, Will Burdin, Carlos Cabrera-Mayol, Andy Cat,Alan Contreras, Rachel Cort, Ashley Donohue, Matthew Ellenwood, Jess Fogel, Rowan Foster, Gabriel Garavaglia, Anna Gelman, Ruby Gibson, Ronan Goforth, Jordan Golding, Kate Hardiman, Alex Harrity, Robert Heishman, Rabbi Lizzi Heydemann, Juliet Kang Huneke, Nathan Kaplin, Chris Leach, Jourdan Lewanda, Thomas Levy, Miriam Lubin, Gosia Matuszewska, Rabbi Ari Moffic, Rachel Mylan, Amy Nadal, Rose Nadis, Si Nicol, Hannah Osharow, Michael Palmer, Rabbi Steven Philp, Fletcher Pierson, Robert Salazar, Keith Schabel, Mackenzie Shapiro, Annie Share, Will Sonheim, CJ Speakman, Rebecca Stevens, Lex Mann Turner, Lily Weidenbach, Zach Weinberg, John White, Dani Wieder, Elise Zerega
  • The super talented Davening Team: Lauren Abrams, Henry Bernstein, Stacy Broxman, Talius Chickering, Jenna Cohen, Bex Ehrmann, Matthew Ellenwood, Emily Grayson, Josh Hare, Emma Jacobson, Rachael Jimenez,Ben Lambert, Caroline Miller, Eli Newell, Jenna Pollock, Sam Schiller, Erica Smith, Ellie Spitz, Lexi Weintraub, Benjie Weiss
  • A literal army of volunteers who made High Holy Fest a welcoming space for all: The 59 greeter, registration, and schlep & prep volunteers, plus the teens who helped design and facilitate the Museum of Awe: Evan Alter, Ron Averbukh, Sam BassEhler, Noa BassEhler, Ben Cederquist (for blowing shofar, too!) Dahlia Goodman, Ben Hirschberg, Zora Kraft, Evan Reiss, Esther Rockwood, Leo Smith, Joseph Sufian, Lincoln Trussell
  • Shofar Blowers: Ben Cedarquist, Rebecca Crystal, Dan Farkas, Benji Feldheim, Ricky Halle-Podell, Abby Kuchnir, Corrine Smith, Eric Wilson
  • Torah Readers:Robert Cohn, Evan Goldstein, Ricky Halle-Podell, Gideon Horberg, Heidi Jones, Jessica Kaz, Zoe Russek-Sobol, Jody Schneiderman, Danny Schuman, Michelle Halle Stern
  • Kol Nidre video stars: Bruce Cohen, Miriam Klevan, Caroline Miller
  • Yom Kippur Afternoon class teachers: Joel Brown, Daniel Epstein, AnnMerle Feldman, Lisa Goldstein, David Gottlieb, Danielle Klinenberg, Jon Quinn, Devi Stern, Mishkan Local Action Team, Judy Yacker
  • Guest speakers: AnnMerle Feldman, Aidan Gilbert, Stephanie Goldfarb, Devi Stern, Matt & Ericka Thacker (plus family!)

Together we created a welcoming, inspiring space for all. We couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you, thank you.

Build With Us

And if you’re thinking you’d like to get more involved in the community throughout the year, now is a great time to officially join the Mishkan family as a Builder (our version of membership). Buildership is a really special opportunity to connect more deeply with us, and allows us to co-create your spiritual journey with you from near and far.

Photos, Videos, and Sermons

Looking to relive your favorite High Holiday moments? Sermons and guest drashes are up on our blog and the Contact Chai podcast, a playlist of sermons and entire service livestreams are on our YouTube channel, and a photo album is up on our Facebook page.